Product cancellation policy
If for any reason you need to cancel an order already placed with us, the customer service team must be consulted before the order can be cancelled. This is due to many of our products being manufactured or purchased to order.
Conditions of cancellation:
If the goods are a stock item and the shipping process is yet to be started, we may be able to cancel the order. Customer Services will confirm whether this is possible.
If the goods are specially manufactured to order (e.g. non-stock MatchFast products/all lacquered products), Customer Services will be able to check with Production to see what stage of production the goods are in and have two options:
If goods have not yet started in manufacturing, the order can be cancelled
If goods are in production, the order cannot be cancelled
If the goods are not listed in our product directory and Fixfast have purchased them specially for your order, Customer Services will check to see if we can cancel the goods being delivered to us and will have two options:
If goods have been processed, we will be unable to cancel the order
If goods have not been processed, we will be able to cancel the order
In the unlikely event that you need to cancel an order already placed with Fixfast, we will do our utmost to try to stop your order being shipped. You can get in touch with Customer Services in the usual way.